Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby Hank Update

Hank is growing up so fast. He is 3 1/2 weeks old. He'll be 1 month old on Tuesday the 25th. I can't believe how fast it's going. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he weighs 9lbs 8oz, he's growing like a little weed. He has been a super good baby. Occasionally he gets fussy when he eats but we are hoping that gets better soon. Last night I was lucky enough to have him sleep from 11pm to 5am. That is something I could get use to but am not expecting. Hank is starting to be awake more during the day and is very alert. He is constantly looking around and taking in his surroundings.

Some pics of Hank from the last couple weeks:
Hanging out with Aunt Barbara.
Every once in a while Hank lays in our bed in the morning after his morning feeding. Unfortunately Hank had a little accident, the first bed wetting experience.

Hank hanging out with we watched a movie.

Tyson labeled this one: "Caught in the act." He pulls this face when he is pooping.

Hank is wearing one of Tyson's old pajamas. I thought it was a total photo op.

This is my favorite. He is so cute and peaceful.


Amy Bennett said...

I'm glad you posted more pictures! He's getting cuter and cuter! give him a kiss for me!

Janae H. said...

How precious! You are so blessed.