Monday, February 7, 2011

9 months old

My little baby is growing up so fast. He's already 9 months old...okay so he's more like 9 1/2 months old now because I'm slow on posting. His stats from his 9 month appointment are: Head circumference 46 cm 70%, weight 21 lbs 55% and length 30 in 90%.

Hank is such a cute kid. I love him more and more everyday. It's really amazing all the things he thinks of to do. He thinks he's just as big as everyone else. He gets excited over everything, it's so cute.

He loves his little Toy Story couch. He sits on it all the time.
If he doesn't sit on it he lays down. It seriously it so cute.

Hank is such a climber. He climbs on everything. I blame this one on his dad. If there is anything for him to climb on to or in to he does it.

He can even climb up and something and then transfer to something else. Here he was first standing on the first aid kit then he wanted to get to the other side of the DVD case so he side stepped it to the chair.

Hank is constantly discovering new things. Tyson left this orange on the couch one morning and Hank found it. He thoroughly examined it. Picked at it, smelt it, licked it and then carried it around for awhile. When Tyson got home that night he peeled it and let Hank taste it. Instead of eating it he just squeezed the piece of orange as hard he could. Juice went everywhere and Hank laughed pretty hard.

This is how Hank helps with the laundry. He loves when I do laundry. He'll climb up on the piles and toss the clothes around....very helpful.

This is Hanks frustrated look. (Mom, this is the look I was telling about) He does this whenever I'm not doing what he wants me to do. It's pretty funny. He arms start shaking and he starts to squeal.

This is what my bathroom looks like every morning after I got ready. It's the only think that keeps him entertained long enough for me to get ready.

Hank and Daddy watching the Super Bowl.

Hank eating leftover pizza. He was so happy. He ate an entire slice.

We seriously love this kid. We can't believe how fast time has gone. In just a couple short months we'll be planning his first birthday. He is learning and growing every day. He says momma, dadda and lots more. He now waves hello and knocks on doors and basically everything. He still loves cells phones and cords and things he's not suppose to play with. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and are so glad that we get to have him forever.

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